Sunday, 26 October 2014



Educational Technology as a subject had help the students to be more prepared in using technologies to the profession in the future. From the traditional materials used up to the modern learning materials and technology.  It makes the students to adapt and on how to manipulate those modern technologies as media in teaching. This course gives us the chance to know the common multimedia that can be used in teaching in the future. We can apply these activities in our profession, an educator.

            In the activities we had in the past months, I think my best works/ activities would be the Exercises No. 1 and 11 which are the Visualization and the MS MOVIE MAKER. Visualization because even if i got12/20 still I consider it as a nice work for me.And the last one is the MS MOVIE MAKER because I have experienced on how to act like an artist and our group's video was the best video among our class. Also, I already know on how to create an educational video. And it was dancing with my group mates.

           The exercises I which I need to develop is on the Exercise No. 10 which requires a skill on making handwritten PowerPoint .I need to improved that skill in order to attain a good presentation for my students.

           To our instructor, Mr. Helmar G. Ycong, I congratulate you sir for teaching us very well. I thanked you sir for all the advises, corrections and instructions you have told.  I was not complaining on my exercises which has a low score because I know that you comments and suggestions were all helpful to me. It made me realized that I should have time to practiced to improved my skills. You helped me on how to use different multimedia on learning that will be used in my future profession. Thank you very much Sir Ycong :-D

          Educational Technology Laboratory had made me realized that there is a power in using the technologies in teaching learning process. It helped me to be good in organizing, to manipulate, and use different technologies that could be useful someday. Through these technologies, in the future, I can create more interested learning materials to my students. They will be motivated on our discussion and will not be boring during classes. This course also tells us that education for today is more enjoyable, interesting and motivating to the students. Not only for the students but also for us future educators. All teachers must not forget that even though how good our multimedia learning materials that will be presented to the class, it will be wasted if we, teachers, do not also teaches them well. Technologies are just the tool in making our job more interesting and enjoyable.

Dramatize (exercise #11 Educational Show)

(exercise #11 Educational Show)

We are tasked to constitute an educational video/ show and the topic we will be using must be related to our course and major or specialization. Our instructor gave us two weeks to shot our video and edit it on the Windows Movie Maker applying the different transitions and sound effects to adorn our educational video. 

I learned that making educational show is quite fun activity for all of my group. The activity made me realized on how to act and on how to do a movie in the Windows Movie Maker which is very important in teaching.


Power (Exercise #10 MS Powerpoint)

(Exercise #10 MS Powerpoint)

We are assigned to create and establish slideshows using different transitions and animations of the Microsoft office, MS PowerPoint. We were given only a maximum of 20 slides and minimum of 10 slides then a lesson that we will be using is the lesson on our exercise no. 6 which is the OHP.  

I lerned that this Microsoft office is very advantageous in my lessons. It motivates me to teach my students because it is easy to be made. It will catch the attention of my students in the future because of the colorful designs and the use of different transitions and animations.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Designs on the Go (exercise #9 MS Publisher)

Designs on the Go 
(exercise #9 MS Publisher)

We are introduced to another office of the Microsoft which is the Microsoft Publisher. Our instructor gave us the format and we will only be using the publisher. We will be making certificate and a our own program.

I have learned that there is another office that will be useful to me in my near profession. This office is the Microsoft Publisher. This will make my tasks and assignments in my work in the future easier and less difficulty since there are already layouts and plenty of templates to be chosen in just one click then you can also edit it easily

Very Excellent (Exercise #8 MS Excel)

Very Excellent 
(Exercise #8 MS Excel)

We are assigned to use Microsoft Excel in this activity where we are going to compute all the grades of our students using the office and the newest grading system of the new curriculum, K- 12 Program. Our instructor gave us first the format about the exercise, then he taught us all the formulas of the computations to be made for the grades.

I have learned that this is very useful to us teachers someday. This Microsoft excel where i can compute and calculate all the grades of my students and this will help me in creating graphs and tables. I realized that this is more easier than only just writing on a class record because it may be computerate.


Word on the Dot (Exercise #7 MS Word)

Word on the Dot 
(Exercise #7 MS Word)

Our instructor assigned to use the Microsoft Office Word as part of the new generation's technology in generating hard copies. We were asked to bring a ready made lesson plan, a semi- detailed lesson plan, that will be encoded to the application with the given format, font size, the style and the cover page must be correct.

I have learned that MS Word is very useful to every teachers and to others. and I've learned also that it is very important to everyday use.


Cool Film (Exercise #6 OHP)

Cool Film 
(Exercise #6 OHP)

We are assigned to create our own slides for the traditional machine in projecting, the Overhead Projector, using the transparency film or acetate, transparency film marker and colored markers in putting some colors to our slides. Formats were given for the exact sizes of fonts to avoid too much large texts when projected it to OHP and in presenting it to the class.

I have realized that there is also a trick in using traditional technologies in producing or giving lesson to the class.You have just be in your own creativity.